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A year of plenty


a year of plenty

of fear.

A virus

spreading in China

exported around the world

and every man, woman and child

left isolated

from society.

Into lockdown we went

and all those days we spent


for a sign of hope

in a broken world.

So many people at breaking point;

furloughed, home schooled, trapped,

then the rules relaxed

and we ate out in the sunshine

which spread it further

and led to a winter

of pain

I pray we don't go there again.

Now for the vaccine;

we all have a duty of care

to inoculate,

let's make everyone aware

the NHS can't cope

waiting lists are a joke,

so let's take this 'cure'

and be sure

we are all heroes

fighting a war

to keep humanity safe.

Let's open the door

to hope

that next year

will be the best ever,

because adversity

gives you strength

to carry on

into the unknown.

The Chinese say

danger brings opportunity

so let's take this chance

to make a difference

to save our community,

protect the vulnerable

and make a better world

for everyone.

Copyright Jenni Jackson February 2021


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