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The benefits of pro bono work

I wanted to share with you the amazing benefits of doing some pro bono work. I recently was horrified by what I was hearing in the news, so I decided I wanted to do something to help. Having given away clothes and toys I wanted to do more. So I joined the Clevedon Ukrainian Support Group and quickly became their comms person. Comms is vital in a crisis - good comms - so I stepped in and designed their website as well as helping with the flyer and social media group, which now has over 500 members.

I didn't stop there! I then started working with a theatre charity who are putting on Zoom plays by Ukrainian writers as well as other plays and have hired me to do their marketing for the Edinburgh festival.

And there's more! I came across a contact on LinkedIn doing play therapy in Poland for traumatised families so I'm writing her blog and helping with marketing. 

All I can say is that by doing pro bono work you can hone your skills, gain experience, find new clients and also have the peace of mind that you've done your bit to help. 


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